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Wisata Jeep Jogja – Solusi 247

solusi 247

Keseruan Kickoff Meeting 2017 solusi 247 di Yogyakarta, salah satu acara nya adalah Wisata Jeep Jogja. Event kali ini mengambil rute  GumukPasir Offroad dari Resto Bale Ayu Giwangan ke Pantai Goa Cemara.

Peserta Berfoto di Parangtritis

Wisata jeep Jogja melewati beberapa destinasi wisata, diantaranya Srunggo, Parangtritis, Gumuk Pasir. Dilanjutkan dengan Pengklik, Pandansari dan sebagainya hingga finish di KebonCemara, salah satu restoran di Kawasan Wisata Pantai Goa Cemara.

Diikuti lebih dari 200 peserta, menggunakan sekitar 80 kendaraan 4×4. Membuat event wisata jeep kali ini semarak dengan konvoi panjang yang mengular.

Acara konvoi juga membuat perjalanan sedikit melambat, selain harus saling menunggu, antrian dalam medan sulit harus dilakukan dengan lebih hati-hati. Juga karena pada setiap pemberhentian, peserta mengambil dokumentasi hingga persiapan kembali ke kendaraan menjadi sedikit lebih lama.

Wisata jeep Jogja bertajuk Kickoff Meeting 2017 solusi 247 di Yogyakarta merupakan agenda tahunan yang dilaksanakan oleh Solusi247. Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang management database komputer ini berpusat di Jakarta, dan mempunyai beberapa cabang diantaranya di Jogjakarta.

Melepas penat dan refreshing dengan wisata jeep jogja memang sangatlah tepat untuk recharge kembali kesegaran dalam bekerja. Perusahaan komputer sekelas Solusi247 tentunya mempunyai pandangan tersendiri dalam hal observasi jelajah pesisir Jogja.

Sekilas profile Solusi247

Kami kutip dari website Solusi247, berikut profile perusahaan Solusi247:

SOLUSI247 is an ICT company established in 2000, and is focused on large scale data processing, relational database management systems (RDBMS), and massive parallel flat file processing.

Because the exponentially growing amount of data available presents some significant challenges, we adopt Hadoop, the cutting edge Big Data platform.

With the support of certified specialists, we are able to create highly productive and easy-to-use tools and applications for MapReduce. One of those tools is called HGrid247, a tool that enables automatic code-generation and real-time processing.

Our products and services have consistently ensured our customers’ satisfaction, which can be proven by the fact that we have implemented Hadoop clusters involving ± 200 nodes for telecommunication firms across Indonesia.

Our aim is to consistently create products of superior value. Since we always aim for the highest standard, our brand name and logo consist of three characteristics that remind us of that idea. Firstly, the blue color of the sky represents our desire to maintain the highest of standards.

The green color represents the opportunities that our earth provides. Which we are keen to take using our technical expertise and experience. Finally, SOLUSI247refers to our aim to continuously find new ways to innovate and build new solutions for our partners..

Our main target markets are fixed and mobile operators, large enterprises and government organizations. Our current customer base comprises over eight large organizations across these sectors.

We are currently looking to expand our operations beyond Indonesia, by targeting large telecommunication firms in South-East Asia. Our experiences have made us experts in leveraging Big Data in the telecommunication industry, but we are looking to expand our operations to other sectors in the near future.


Continues to grow rapidly year after year. Our 16 years of experience in managing Big Data projects in the telecom industry have made SOLUSI247 a recognized and trusted specialist firm in Indonesia.

Together with our partners and customers, we have made many investments to engineer solutions and execute projects, that all together have led to positive results. This has strengthened the cooperation between ourselves and our partners.

Based on our lengthy experience, we find that technological investment and suitable implementation are the two main pillars that support our business.

We profoundly believe that a technological investment by itself does not guarantee business success, but instead requires significant effort in the implementation process. We do not only specialize in developing the technology, but we commit ourselves into delivering the best tailored solution for each individual partner.

Looking ahead, we strive to continue learning and further develop the competences and skills of our teams. We wish to incorporate our partner’s input to improve productivity, internal processes, and best practice standards. We keep moving forward by creating added value to all our customers, partners, staff and IT development team.

Visions and Missions


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